The exact time and date for Winter Solstice 2022 is Wednesday,December the 21st,9:59pm UT/10:59pm Central European Time.
To decipher Sun's exact time to enter the Sunsign of Capricorn is to know Sun's plan for the coming months,up until Spring equinox 2023.
Big change is on the rise with Jupiter at 0 Aries square Sun at 0 Capricorn.This Cardinal Square change comes with a new awareness and a new philosophy alongside feelings reaching out into realms of enchantment,as the Moon is at 8 Sagittarius conjunct Asteroid Magion at 7 all change is related to Jupiter,the collective mind must think big anew!
The silent evolutionary change of humanity through the introduction of new tech in tangible 3D reality appears as a fairly solid system to last because Venus at 14 Capricorn trines r Uranus at 15 Taurus.therefore,the beauty in the new systems of control is to create abundance,fairness and equality for all in the future,but its not quite obvious yet for all to see as Uranus is still retrograde.
The current misunderstandings around Marsian information from all sides is a mysterious link to Venus and so Venus is guided through confusion in communication to establish fairness in the name of 'natural law' (r Mars at 11 Gemini inconjunct Venus at 14 Capricorn).
As so much shadow in establishments is being exposed (Pluto 27 Capricorn) feeling non-compliant to any establishment is an opposing force (Lilith at 28 Cancer).these two are clashing in the months ahead and this is a perfect situation that makes a great leap of change ahead truely happen (Lilith trine Jupiter)!