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Winter solstice 2021

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

Suns entry into the sign of capricorn marks the start of winterseason and in my concept of seasonal astrology its this precise moment of winter solstice that holds the decisive solar time-map,actually imprinting a new script into the *collective mindspace* to play out over the next three months.

What stands out in the winter solstice chart is that feminine energy is very much elevated as moon receives a very important position at 27 cancer.she is home in cancer,and here,in this act,she is to represent the queen of all motherly beings.she is also to be appreciated as the most important safeguard of *home* as she is placed at the top of a YOD-configuration pyramid build by a newly born consciousness committed to new wisdomteachings expanding the auric field around the human body (sun-siva,0cap,28sagittarius sextile jupiter-aura,27,28 aquarius).the newly born high-consciousness solar intelligence merges with a new and expanded aura in order to establish feeling home very strongly.the very important moon goddess opposes pluto-retro venus,25,26 cap and this can be translated as alot of feeling,alot of feminine energy going against old values held by an establishment in need of a total system re-boot!

Jupiter is 73 degrees (one quintile) away from retrograde uranus at 11 taurus,the freedomloving realist entirely annoyed by saturn being square at 10 aquarius,meaning,there is a hidden grand push to new greatness flipping the coin over to sustainable living stressed out by advanced technology hand in hand everchanging authorityfigure.saturns 73 degree bond with eris corresponds to a new unexpected authoritarian structure aiming to secretly provoke violence in strong women,seeking violent dominion over the strong feminine by suddenly turning the strenght of women against women.BUT,what the warrior goddesses are really up to is the recognition of flaws in authoritarianism,and the fight to initiate new structure now that it is obvious that deep core-values need to be re-defined (eris square moon opp. pluto-venus).

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