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Virgo Full Moon 2024

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

Virgo Full Moon 2024 takes place on February 24th at 1:31am CET/0:31GMT.

At the exact Full Moon Time we've got Sun at 5 Pisces as the midpoint between Mercury at 2 Pisces and Saturn at 9 Pisces in opposition to Moon at 5 Virgo conjunct r Asteroid Aletheia at 2 Virgo.The main ruling figure over the sign of Virgo is Mercury,the second important figure about Virgo is Chiron,then,the piscean realm is best characterized by Neptune.


Hence,what we are dealing with around this Full Moon Time has to do with the enlightenment of the Mind,with 'awareness' contained in the unified field against the need for private rationalization about what feels true and authentic and what does not.Neptune currently travelling through it's own sign Pisces can imply great deception and illusory of a hidden enemy when it comes to the current state of the collective mind,specially with r Asteroid Nemesis at 24 Cancer trine Neptune but because of Saturn being there in Pisces as well and Asteroid Psyche-Truth at 22,23 Capricorn sextile Neptune,the once so beautiful stories might turn into bursted bubbles after all.


Asteroid Spirit is exactly conjunct Chiron and the lunar NN at 16 Aries,symbolic for a very determined focus on the self,understanding the connection of self to the otherworldly and how personal spirituality serves the destiny of mankind.


Jupiter sextile Saturn with Asteroid Salacia at the midpoint highlights the invisible yet constructive Powers in support of the expansion of what feels best for self while self is faced with obstacles or successes on the path of selfrealization.


A Yod Configuration between Asteroid Lie (trine Mercury) and Moon-r Aletheia apex Pluto in 1 Aquarius describes the amplification of human perception on the quest for truth motivated by feeling deceived over what makes sense and what doesn't.


Asteroid Quaoar at 9 Capricorn represents southern Californian native philosophy promoting 'getting back to the sacredness of life by means of natural order'.Consequently,Quaoar sextile Saturn in Pisces gives us the opportunity to see and feel the programming behind 3D reality in a more holistic/shamanic way.


The unification of Mars and Venus at 8,9 Aquarius goes together with compassionate communication (Asteroid Compassion at 8 Gemini) while it is quincunx the Moon and square Jupiter,all at once!So,the new meetup of the newly liberated male and female creates a mysterious link with feelings underscoring the realization of who one really is in line with all that good stuff which maximizes one's own joy and pleasure.




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