Summer Solstice 2024 happens when the Sun reaches 0 degrees of Cancer and that moment in time this year is June 20st,10:51pm CET/8:51pm UT.

Seasonal astrology is determined by Sun's entry into the Cardinal Signs,those are Libra,Capricorn,Aries and the Sun is associated with 'awareness' in Astrology,it is the Solstice chart that sets the new tone when it comes to us seasonal Astrologers wanting to make sense of the main themes playing out in the collective mind over the next couple of months.
The Solstice Chart shows Sun at 0 Cancer,having an instant new beginning together with Neptune at 29 Pisces opposite Lilith at 29 Virgo forming together a 'cardinal' T-square with Neptune and Lilith in the last degrees of 'flexible' signs,which makes it that this cardinal T-square specifically comes with the urgency that one must 'finalize' first sothat the new Sun is readied for change.also,one of the main realization right now is to stay receptive for new heart-based awareness to rise (Sun at 0 Cancer widely conjuncts Venus at 4 Cancer) while at the same time realizing the extreme condition between the maximum amount of deception everywhere by which everyone is affected in some way battling against the most sovereign minds not playing into extreme mass-delusion.
As the New Sun and Venus stand at the start of the Sign Cancer,Moon,the one really home in Cancer,is at 15 Sagittarius,in an exact 'quindecile' aspect to the Sun-Venus pair.A quindecile aspect contains 165 degrees and is characterized as a highly determined force between two celestials.the term 'highly determined' perfectly fits Moon's bright and almost full position at the heart of Sagittarius,in the picture of Ophiuchus,greek for the 'serpent bearer',which is very much a place where intuition gains a higher perspective on worldly with this link between New Summer Sun and Jupiterian Moon,there is alot of drive to find common ground between the Sun,a new sensitive look on what one truely needs and what true needs truely mean, and the Moon,feeling aspired to reach beyond the ordinary.
Because of this deep bond between Sun and Moon,the months ahead have a great deal of Jupiterianism to it which can be described shortly as strong determination,big hope,looking for adventure and spiritual connection.Jupiter at 5 Gemini is widely trine to Pluto,which signifies that faith in detail oriented research goes alongside new deep truths exposed by 'groups' of people coming together.
Asteroid Alma at 24 Libra in opposition to Centaur Chiron at 22 Aries,is akin to the soul's longing for peace while simultaneously we each on our own are trying to recover and heal from the past in order to be able to birth a new 'Me'.
And yet,Asteroid Alma and Centaur Chiron are also part of a 'Kite-Configuration' highlighting the elements Wind and Fire encompassing Asteroids r Psyche-Iris-Truth at 20,21,25 Aquarius trine Asteroid Latona at 22 Gemini.R Psyche-Iris-Truth represents precog insights into what the new times ahead feel like when looking into the seat of the soul linking up with a mindset contemplating a new world being born.