In the northern hemisphere of planet earth its springtime when sun enters the sign of aries on march 20 at 10:38am CET.the moment of sun at new 0 aries is the blueprint that tells suns plan for the coming months,the timespam until summer solstice.
The interpretation of a spring equinox chart is called seasonal astrology,a closer astrological look at the four seasons of the sun.
The sun at 0 aries is not that far from chiron-ceres (8-10 aries),the firy couple is occupied with healing personal emotions through nurturing the self.So,if sun at 0 aries is close to chiron-ceres sextile mars in gemini trine saturn in aquarius,its like the collective consciousness (sun) is being introduced to a new scientifically elaborate medical script,describing new insights into current health issues going on world-wide.
Because venus is very close to the sun at 28 pisces,the power of onelove will be very present until summer solstice!
As the moon at 16 gemini is trine to jupiter in 20 aquarius,listening to intuition,and intuitive communication is key to accessing abundant new scientific facts that clarify the collective mind.even though,we all are maybe not that educated and not that smart,but we all are meant to feel that which is scientifically correct.