The exact Time and Date for Sagittarius New Moon is Sunday,December 1st,at 7:21am CET/6:21am GMT.

This New Moon Chart has a spectacular picture,a superb geometric weaving of quintile aspects and grand trine aspects combined as one.Earth is blessed by the symbol of a full pentagram held up by certain Asteroids and planets in our solar system with planet earth being the main centerpoint.Generally speaking,the sign of Sagittarius is ruled by planet Jupiter,the embodiment of greatness,great vision,great hope and great abundance.Well,now,it's time for higher consciousness to be fully present throughout the entire mooncycle.As above the great 'bigger' Picture,the symbology of the great feminine,planet Venus,is embedded into two symmetrically intertwined Grand trines made of element Air and element Fire,so below we are to notice the expression of higher powers being actively at work.
The 9 degree marker of Sag is where Sun and Moon unite,right at the entrance to the Constellation of Opiuchius,'the Sepent Holder' which is the Master of initiation into great Mysteries,expanding the mind beyond its own limitations.And Yet,we find planet Jupiter retrograde,at 19 Gemini opposite its homesign,where he is less of a believer in great Wisdom and higher powers but more a silent investigator of many detailed research.
R Jupiter is enhanced by venusian energies through Asteroid Atlantis at 20 Libra and Asteroid Psyche,the computing muse.alltogether building the grand trine in element Air,a sign that greater insight is reached in terms of undercover intel revolutionizing/upgrading our state of being and also upgrading how each one relates to the ancient wisdomteachings derivative from the times of Atlantis.
Asteroid Spirit stands at 1 degrees Cancer,opposite Asteroid Pallas at 0 Cap,squaring the lunar nodes at 4 Aries,4 Libra.This is a Cardinal Grand Square that makes you wonder newly what new smart machinery is working against the new feeling for a higher calling and how this polarity is decisive for the relationships we had in the past and also for the newly self realized person you are becoming in the future.
The Great Pentagram is build by Saturn-Asteroid Ambrosia,Asteroid Pallas,Asteroid Atlantis-Lilith-Asteroid Vesta,Mars and r Uranus.Saturn-Ambrosia is symbolic for the ''Resurrection'' of a system falling apart and simultaneously emerging anew as a system of benevolence.Pallas is the new smart machinery installed and Atlantis-Lilith-Vesta can be translated as our own past connection to ancient Atlantis.Mars is the strong leader and r Uranus is the collectives' slow awakening to the fact that we are all now living in a fully digitalized world.
As all the 5 dots of the Starpentagram come one,these 5 points,energies,alchemize and share their creative potential expressed as something hearty we all have to believe in.