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Sagittarius New Moon 2023

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

Time and Date for Sagittarius New Moon 2023 is December 13th,0:32am CET/December 12th,11:32pm GMT.

Sun and Moon come together at 20 degrees Sagittarius,conjunct the bright orange Fixed Star Atria representing righteousness and fortunate connection in the realms of Mercury and Jupiter which is equal to expansion of the mind aiming to grasp true fairness.

Sun-Moon squares Juno at 18 Virgo and quincunxes r Uranus at 19 Taurus which i would associate with a lunar cycle that is to repeatedly remind us about the 'hidden' modernization of 3D reality.

moreover,Mercury at 8 Capricorn is an invitation to thinking in 'divine' patterns opposite to 'feeling' the journey within,r Asteroid Odysseus at 6 Cancer,while Mercury is pacified by Lilith at 7 Virgo trine r Jupiter in,the link between Mercury and r Jupiter is most definitely harmonic,even though Jupiter is retrograde trine Lilith,which indicates that the definition of Spirit and its connection to material form is different to each individual.

Because Mercury at 8 Capricorn sextiles Venus-Pallas-Asteroid Destinn at 9,10,11 Scorpio,thoughts go deep and there is a desire to understand revelations that are seemingly fated.

As Venus is linked harmonically to Mercury,i am throwing the quintile aspect into the equation to highlight Sun and Moon quintile newly direct Saturn at the beginning of Pisces closing in at 16 Taurus aligning with Asteroid Philosophia bi-quintile Sun and Moon.all of this means that authority is dissolving in a way that is helping the collective to become truely fortunate as long as we keep on discussing what is of true value in the material world.

The real good news is that it is these coming weeks of new mind-expansion that will set humanity back 'right' on track as the lunar north node is trine Sun and Moon!



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