Sagittarius new moon 2022 happens on November 23rd at 10:57pm UT/11:57pm CET.
Zodiacsign Sagittarius is associated with the 'aimed' centaur,the archer holding bow,arrow and a great vision!New Sagittarian energies of hope and higher aspiration arrive at new Moon,when Sun and Black new Moon meet at 1 Sagittarius.
The first of the two most apparent patterns shown in the new Moon starmap,is the many connections among heavenly bodies build by the 150 degree angles,the quincunx aspect.this aspect is said to point to a higher purpose that one cannot fully comprehend in context of a mere materialist worldview but only by a worldview that incoorporates the invisible realm of spirit.alike the 150 degree angle,the archer is determined to explore its connection to something 'bigger' than himself and by doing so he aims to go beyond the material plane of existence in order to gain a new perception on what one is truely aimed by and aimed for!
The second pattern to be very apparent in the new Moon astrochart is the many quintile and bi-quintile aspects,the 72 and 144 degree angles,these indicate that Venusian qualities are strongly present sothat we are to have more faith in morals that put equilibrium,beauty and peace first.similarly,the spaced out mind is on the hunt for the most ideal harmony sothat it can contain more belief in 'the absolute fairness' (Venus-Mercury at 9,10 sag).even though the destiny of self is up against machines masked as authority with Saturn at 19 aquarius opposite Asteroid Destinn at 22 leo,the Venusian connections among Venus-Mercury quintile Saturn and also bi-quintile asteroid r Aura at 4 taurus affirm the flow of constant creativity between the mind's grand belief in great love (mercury-venus),robotized authority (Saturn) and the silent beauty radiating from the human aura energy field (r Aura).
R Chiron at 12 aries bi-quintiles Asteroid Abundantia at 7 virgo with Asteroid r Sophia,26 gemin,at the apex of a Venusian pyramid!all of this indicates that hidden messages of earthgoddess Sophia flow together with alot of learning and the power of primal healing methods.
Asteroid Hathor at 17 virgo (trine r Uranus at 16 taurus) quincunxes and bi-quintiles Asteroid Atlantis at 15 aquarius and the two put Sun and Moon at the top of a pentagonal pyramid!all of this means that teachings about soundfrequency and how to manifest with it (Hathor) beautifully ties in with extraordinary technological advancements that derive from ancient atlantis.this is how more equilibrium is added to everything one thinks and feels to be true.