Pisces Full Moon 2024 comes as a partial lunar eclipse visible over the western parts of Europe and Africa,over Antarctica and over the whole of the Americas except for Canada's North-West.the precise moment of perfect opposition between Sun at 25 Virgo and Moon at 25 Pisces is Wednesday,September 18th at 4:36am CET/2:36am GMT.

With only 8 % of the Full Moonlight being covered,we all feel it is only 8 % of all widespread illusions concerning the well-being of all of us that remain in the dark.we all are of the opinion that the world of illusionary projection distorts feelings of our own inclined with compassion for all human beings.
the attic of the house-geomatrix striking in the chart is the minor grand trine aspect pattern between r Pluto at 29 Capricorn,R Neptune at 28 Pisces and r Uranus at 27 Taurus.this attic is a silent reminder that the time has come now to end outdated forms of control because all human beings feel being played by powerful forces unwilling to give up control,stagnating the world longing to move forward into a more humane existence for all.
With Virgo Sun conjunct Asteroid 'Lie',with r Saturn at 15 Pisces and r Neptune at 28 Pisces conjunct the 'occulted' Moon,one must silently realize and sort out the deceptions and lies by making up one's own mind when it comes to the fact that all of us are tired of feeling deceived by delusional authority figures.Because r Saturn stands in opposition to Mercury at 14 Virgo,we might think,our thinking is restricted or limited by powers we cannot grasp.
Mercury at 14 Virgo and r Chiron at 22 Aries link up in a 142 degree angle,a bi-quintile aspect,inspiring the analytical mind with selfrebooting healing manners.
The mystical rectangle aspect pattern represents the well founded structure of the house beneath the attic,which is equal to the reminder that the old has to go.'a mystical rectangle' is build by two oppositions balancing each other out peacefully.here,the well founded 'mystical' house is set up by the wife of Neptune,Water Goddess Amphitrite at 4 Leo sextile Deep Water Dweller Sedna at 1 Gemini trine r Pluto at 29 Capricorn 'the silent revealer of defect systems' sextile highly spiritual intelligence,Goddess Pallas at 2 Sagittarius.all of this means from the top down,that once we get that things need to change for the better,we understand that opposing forces even each other out through feminine sensitivity contained in water that informs our own being about radical truths aligned to truths in spiritual teachings that resonate with our own choice of belief.