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Leo Full Moon 2024

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

Leo Full Moon 2024 peaks on January 25th at 6:54pm CET/5:54pm GMT.

The main theme during this Full Moon is the change of times,but because planet Uranus,the ruler over the sign of Aquarius is 'stationary' almost to go direct,it is also a time when we hold our breath before the world is undergoing a massive shift from old outdated ways of living life to more modern ways of living life.

With Uranus turning direct approximately 1 and a half days after this Full Moon and Asteroid Ambrosia (symbolic for ressurection) ingressing into Aquarius one day after this Full Moon,we are kinda in a limbo between the old world dying and a new world emerging.


I found the Asteroid called Tone at 5 Aries to be the exact balancepoint to the tension between Sun at 5 Aquarius and Moon at 5 Leo.Asteroid Tone at 5 Aries indicates the personal tone,the personal frequency,to be in charge of pacifying the tension between the mind inspired by brand new ideas (Sun) and the heart feeling strong and confident (Moon).


Sun-Moon-Jupiter forming a fixed T-square together heralds the mind and the heart get extensively stabilized by the upleveling of the current standard of living.If i take Asteroid Akashi into account positioned exactly opposite Jupiter,we are dealing with a grand fixed cross that comes as an urgency wanting to solidify what is truely in favour of all humanity against feeling played by leading figures activating the belief in materialism conflicted by spiritual messages derivative from the 'all-knowing' akashic records,transcending the world of materialism.


Sun quintile Lunar North Node at 18 Aries and Moon quintile Lunar South Node at 18 Libra gives off the meaning that venusian influences of peace,beauty,balance and harmony are key attributes that have not just determined humanities past but are also crucial right now with humanity moving forward recklessly into a totally new future where it is confronted with the wounded healer Chiron.Chiron conjunct NN signifies that it's time now to re-invent health!as the lunar nodes inhabit keypositions when it comes to the 5th harmonic in astrology,the venus aspect,the 72 degrees angle,we must put more focus on Venus,the keeper of time,currently standing at 2 Capricorn,sextile Saturn at 5 Pisces and trine Jupiter!she holds a plan to enlarge the faith in love with the notion that current control systems are obsolete and as she draws a quintile aspect to the Lunar South Node,her well-structured planning belongs to the past,a time where we felt emotionally empowered by feminine ways of being (SN quintile Moon and quintile Venus).because of all these feminine energies of Venus,SN and NN and the Moon weaving together at this moment in time,we feel stuck but also nostalgic about living life in the past compared to how we are living life today.we might wonder what exactly it is that stays persistent with mankind heading towards a new way of living life.

Venus sextile Saturn apex Moon is a Yod configuration pointing out that we get to feel more powerful when we make a practice of holding authority as one humanity.


With Pluto's recent entry into the sign of Aquarius,all the hidden is coming to light!and with Sun still in a wide conjunction to Pluto,we are to look deeper into anything uranian,anything that has to do with advanced machines seeking to control,machines powering the organization of society.

R Asteroid Vesta at 22 Gemini is the balancepoint to the nodal axis,she stands for unpopular information that is truely making sense and she is the semisquare midpoint to the square from Jupiter to the Moon which measures up the true value of worldly information,and how empowered or disempowered it makes us feel.

The daily news and daily messages we dealing with individually describe the qualities of r Vesta and she being trine Asteroid Ahau and Asteroid Urania conjunct at 24,25 Libra,makes some of us focus on specific information in line with the Love of the Sky-Goddess,the love for progressive investigation of the sky,teamworking with the mayan Sun God Ahau,the embodiment of unconditional love in mayanism.Urania,Ahau trine r Vesta square Neptune asks for the activation of the power of great love to get us through these challenging times,where scathed messages,repeated over and over again,enlarge the manipulative delusion that secretly seek to govern human perception.









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