Leo Full Moon 2023 happens on Sunday,February 5th,around 7:28pm Central European Time/6:28pm UT.
Now,finally,after all the push and pull of the past months,the main planets in our solar system are again moving forward in a fast pace which is to say that nothing is stopping the fast-forward rush that is ahead of us the next couple of months!
As Pluto is finishing up its last chapter in the sign of Capricorn,soon,during all of this year 2023,business as usual will be looked at something that belongs to the past.in general,the very last degrees in a Zodiacsign are always indicative for the *ripening-stage*,the readying of a summary concerning the whole of that particular sign,which ultimately brings us back to the month of November in the year 2008,when Pluto "landed" in the sign of Capricorn for the first time.in other words,as *outer* planet Pluto is progressing into the final degrees of Capricorn right now,all of humanity is dealing with a grand final re-evaluation of what is true authority.because we all are set up for a grand system-reveal and a grand system-reboot at the same time,in the days to come it will become unavoidable to see clearly what is obsolete when it comes to outdated systems put in place long time ago.
Sun and Moon oppose each other at 16 Aquarius-16 Leo and this opposition axis is hitting on newly direct Uranus at 15 Taurus forming a T-Square with Sun and Moon!Uranus is the planet of 'change' and he is ruling over the Sunsign Aquarius,hence,its a sure thing that the next few weeks will be demanding,as everything is aligned for a new quick 'fix' involving Sun (what we indentify with) Moon (how we feel about the greater collective) and Uranus (a sudden shift in values).its a sure thing,that we are to deal with many new adjustments about what it is that is to be valued in the new times ahead as the new times involve rapid changes to come to completely transform 3D reality,and soon we will see what is here at last in order to last :)!
The new times ahead are to be exciting because it is to be expected that sudden shifts in life-governing institutions (Saturn in Aquarius) progress forward into a future where authority might possibly take on the form of Artificial Intelligence that benefits all of humanity!