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Geometry in Astrology

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

In the field of Astrology,many focus on the aspects inbetween heavenly bodies,yet,in my view,there is too little talk and focus on the bigger picture,the very subject i give more importance to than most of astrologers practicing astrology.

My analytical mind and emotional receptivity always try to also give meaning to the overall geometric picture given for a specific time.

Because astrology to me is a science no different from any other science,of course,i am no different from any other astrologer when it comes to my understanding about planetary energies and how they are to be interpreted,its just that i found remarkable new clues throughout my astrology-learning-years and these clues enable me to see,understand and explain geometric language in astrology differently.Although i felt very lonely in the past putting extra focus on the geometric patterns that arise during new and full moons in general,independent from our location on planet earth,i always felt the charts of new and full moon moments/solar,lunar eclipses/equinoxes carry a complex geomatrix,giving off a certain kind of holistic message,that is to be received by each and every living organism on planet earth.Whether or not a living being is consciously attuned to planetary cycles of time,there will always be a message being passed on,a code being implemented as above so below.if you are interested in astrology,you know that astrologers always follow up on archetypal expression commanded by energies held within an astrological chart,because this is what astrologers do.Astrologers in general do give notice to the overal geometric pattern contained in an astrological chart,yet,the simple interpretation of these patterns is most often left unexplained.

The true meaning of the geometric message contained within a Birthchart-geomatrix for example,is something i never considered to be only understood by our logical reason,instead i think it is to be watched over and felt at the same time,alike feeling the message contained within a cropcircle.

As each and every one of us receives the main geometric CODEs arranged around earth in space during specific times,i always wondered,what are the symbols,the geomatrix telling us really,seen as an energetic imprint,perfected energetic information?are these geometric codes some kind of instructions?,programs?,new ideas?If i would draw all the geomatrix of full and new moon constellation throughout one solar year and put them next to each other,what different codes would i find?what would these codes sound like when translated to the wold of frequency (think of cymatics)?

Eventually,what i have learned over the years is that these geometric imprints are like the tastes of different meals,we can try to generalize the taste by explaining how we personally receive it,and we can get pretty far by exchanging our different ideas about the meal,but in the end,everyone has a slightly different feeling about the meal,some like it very much,some eat the meal because there is no other alternative.the differences in taste wont change the meal,it only means that the meal is received individually different as each one of us have individual perception and taste,the same is true for the overal bigger picture created during specific times.

As soon as i started to focus on the language of sacred geometry and the language of perfected geometry at important astrological alignments,i got to understand that geometry in general is truely a blessing in itself in many different ways,but for now i will be talking specifically about the sacred geometry locked into the astrological chart.

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Reka Kiss
Reka Kiss
09 juil. 2021

my geometry in astrology papers are published here

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