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Gemini new moon 2022

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

Gemini new moon 2022 and the weeks to follow is a time to review the recent gloomy past and to draw conclusions,own opinions from observing "the collective'' and the current darkness residing within it,but also seeing through the veil of deception,recognizing that ultimately we are all headed towards a love-filled future.

Mercury is still retrogarde at 26 taurus yet also ready to move forward again,a position which astrologers call *a planet in stationary mode*.as mercury is the ruler over the sign of gemini,mercurys stationary new moon position conjunct fixed star algol is to put all of us in a mental state of diabolic limbo,also,this puzzled mental state is going to be highlighted strongly throughout the coming weeks where everyone is going to be evaluating their own in regards to the current decadency afflicting the course of humanity.because retro/stationary mercury is close by the lunar north node at 20 taurus,located right next to asteroid Agape at 22 taurus,it means,that one humanity needs to assure unconditional love and unconditional empathy to thoughts stuck on the subject of one humanity being a *headless* society.

Asteroid Hermes at 15 pisces conjunct asteroid Lie at 13 pisces is exactly one quintile away from retro/stationary mercury conjunct fixed star Algol !but! also conjunct the Pleiades!hence,the pentagonal geometry embedded in here is a sign that our own errors of thinking are closely related to the written and spoken word portraying illusive information and lies.hermetic philosophy always points out that yin and yang are equally contained in the human mind and in this context,one might say,for every limiting thought in the mind there is an equal lie present in the subconscious mind,fueling the limitations of the mind plugged into a material worldview.

Retrograde asteroid Logos at 8 libra stands for the silent weighing up of different reasoning,it is perfectly trine the new sun and new moon,hence,retro logos is key to support a new view on our current reality.

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