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Gemini full moon 2021

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

The time around gemini full moon 2021 is high in consciousness because the sun at 27 conjunct asteroid siva is directly conjunct the center of the milky way galaxy!as i am a long-time student of mayan mysteries,i apply the meaning of*great universal mind* to the great Hunab ku,who is actually regarded as great intelligence in mayan myth,said to be mapping the creation and destruction of energy according to timecodes present right at the Galactic Core.In hinduism,when there is talk of the god Siva,there is also talk of the goddess Kaali,these two gods always go together and they symbolize the awakening of greater consciousness through the recognition and purging of old out-dated limiting mayan terms,this alignment means that the sun is being reborn after being reconnected to its multidimensional essence for a few couple of days when journeying in the realm of Hunab ku.

the implications of siva right there at the GC together with the sun is very significant,this is a sign to enforce the eradication of limiting consciousness even more.there is also a septile linkage from sun~siva~GC in sagittarius to ZEUS~kaali in aquarius pointing to the secretive marriage of siva and kaali,teamworking to bring about mysteriously the eradication of everything that goes against the cultivation of ecstatic bliss,forcing each and everyone of us to sort whats really of great importance in our personal lifes.

moon at 27 gemini is perfectly supported by asteroid aeternitas at 29 cancer and asteroid athanasia at 25 taurus,meaning one might perceive the many different ideas of how personal thinking influences personal feeling accordingly while maintaining a state of eternal bliss,physically and emotionally.

Peace and easy access to new consciousness is a given through the grand trine build by the wounded feminine resurrecting as a modern day healer (chariklo at 1 aqua),the cultivation of love through creative deeds (ceres-pleiades-alcyone at 0 gemini) and the invitation to rise above and give direction to the multidimensional character of the mind by bending consciousness from GC,to SGC through the 90degree turn from GC to SGC?!!!??

The aura of the human body is going to enlarge extensively in new ways with Jupiter-asteroid aura at 26,28 aquarius trine moon sextile sun,and so this placement of jupiter-aura is the great equalizer to all the tension held between lower mind and higher mind (gemini-sagittarius axis).

There is a noteworthy trine,between asteroid magdalene at 7 sag and retro chiron at 8 aries,this means that great healing on an individual level is effortlessly enabled through the belief in great vision related to magdalene wisdomteachings.

acryl on wooden board,approx.1meter x1meter big,march 2012

this painting is my view/illustration about 9 layers of consciousness converging as one,the last point up is reaching into the depths of the milky way galaxy,the great Hunab ku.

if you are interested in learning more about the 9 layers of consciousness according to pleiadian teachings,i recommend reading Alchemy of 9 Dimensions by Barbara Hand Clow

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