Fall Equinox 2022 is precise on September 23rd at 1:04am UT.
Fall Equinox is that time of the solar year round that announces the change in season whereby dark and light,day and night are equally long.in seasonal astrology,any solstice or equinox chart is said to foretell the main topics driving the 'collective mind' in the months ahead.
The most impressive and also expressive sign in this starmap design is the presence of retrograde mercury almost exactly in the heart of the sun,both at 0 degrees of libra,this is called a 'Cazimi' in astrology.
The 0 degree in cardinal sunsign 'Libra' is the fixed point of the Super Galactic Center,which is a supermassive black hole directing smaller spiral arm galaxies,such as the one at the heart of our own Milky Way Galaxy.
With this concept of understanding one might say that messages from the heart of the sun align with great universal forces that govern over more complex cycles of moving planets/moving black holes describing time.
Asteroid Valentine at 29 capricorn,exactly trine the cazimi-iris coupling is the effortless klick between the concept of appropriate gifting and the inward notion that great universal forces operate according to greater universal timeclocks.
Venus,the ruling planet over libra,is at 22 virgo,directly at the apex of a YOD configuration build by r Saturn- r Vesta at 19,23 aquarius and r Bella at 19 aries with the remarkable midpoint being r Neptune at 23 pisces.this specific build-up increases the focus on the less fortunate 'fall' position of Venus in virgo,here she is equal to love that needs to make sense,love that needs to be sorted or differently,values down-to-earth standing against the wildest dreams going unnoticed,r Neptune in pisces.the self-centered beauty male-woman Bella got herself a positive sextile aspect position to r Saturn,so both are joining together pushing extra hard to show what values are serving what intention.
Sun-r Mercury-Iris bi-quintile r Saturn and r Vesta put asteroid Justus at 8 sag at its highest point!the strong conviction in real justice is being held up evenly by the ever unpredictable silent powers at work and greater universal forces at work.