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Capricorn New Moon 2024

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

Capricorn New Moon 2024 perfects on January 11th at 12:58pm Central European Time/11:58am GMT.


In the bigger picture there is alot of 'harmonious' aspects correlated to the 20 degree Capricorn Sun-Moon marker.this place is trine to r Uranus at 19 Taurus and it is one side to the semisquare composition apex Saturn at 4 Pisces semisquare NN at 20 Aries square to Sun and Moon.a very interesting installation of new energies is here with Sun and Moon in a direct trine aspect to the planet Uranus,ruler over the Zodiacsign Aquarius,even though he is in retrograde,we can finally get a glimpse of what the new good times ahead will really look like.

With this peculiar alignment at the beginning of a new lunar phase,the whole lunar phase is about unexpected new impulses enchanting individual senses in a surprising manner and of course there are so many more different viewpoints on what this trine aspect could actually indicate,and yet,i choose to stick with what i intuit as my most appropriate description at this point in time.

Capricorn is the sign of control,well-arranged order,perfect flow,industrialism and the workings of time as well.Astrologers associate any repetitive structure with Capricorn,and with Saturn,the ruler over the sign of Capricorn.

For now,Saturn holds the balance amid turbulence as the mid-point candidate between Sun-Moon squaring the Lunar North Node,which heralds a change of 'who is in control?!',a change of times,especially with the dwarf planet 'Pluto' exiting Saturns realm in only nine days after the New Moon,leaving old structures behind when entering Aquarius on January 20st,only few hours away from Sun's entry into the sign of Aquarius,what a coincidence,ahaha!

Venus at 15 Sagittarius sextiles the final victory Asteroids at 15 Libra opposite Chiron at 15 Aries,right next to the NN in a cardinal square to the whole of this lunation!!!what a fanfare to leaving the old behind!love seems to be our connector to spirit at this point in time,and there is a sense of new beginnings in teamworking in the face of a 'self-reboot'.eversince Saturn and Jupiter kissed at 0 Aquarius in December 2020,they haven't been able to be kind to each other,but now that is changing and they sextile each other,creating enthusiasm and a symbiosis of love and unity together,also co-creating in a sextile merry go round with power baring responsibility,Mars-Yes at 4,5 Capricorn,and with relentless willpower,Asteroid Elpis at 8 Scorpio,closing in on Lilith at 11 Virgo,the independent 'thinker'.

Mercury is spaced out while in communication with the Galactic Center,i am sure,this is an invitation to encounter other dimensional realms,especially with a quintile to the final victory asteroids at 15 Libra.

let's welcome all rapid changes that we might not yet fully comprehend in fine detail,its time to make a huge leap forward,to find your own truth,to find your 'soultribe',to create communion,to encourage new inventions,to support new methods of healing,its all here,its right here,right now.





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