Capricorn New Moon happens on December 23rd at 11:17 am Central European Time/10:17 am UT.
The Sun and the Moon meet at 1 degree Capricorn right on exact square to Ceres at 1 Libra and also square to Jupiter at 0 Aries.This positioning makes Sun and Moon to be the apex of a Cardinal,a new beginning,T-square held up by Ceres,in Libra she is the give-and-take of nurturance and by Jupiter,the greatest,in Aries he all of a sudden starts a new adventure from scratch!
In a nutshell,this very tense,kickstarter T-square at the new start of a new Moon means that everything is calling for a radical new beginning.the subjects concerning finance and the equilibrium when it comes to caring for one another are keycomponents to make this great shift of the collective into new territory happen!therefore,it is a new balance to caring and a new view on finance that will make this very renewing mooncycle special!this particular composition of planets urges everyone to start a totally new way of live and this calling might come as a shock to some within the whole of humanity!
The great opposition between male driven expansion (Jupiter in 0 Aries) and female caretaking (Ceres at 1 Libra) holds the great challenge that is to bring about a new reality within the next couple of weeks!
Venus at 16 Capricorn values patterns and accountability and against her there is Asteroid r Geometria at 14 Cancer,this means a silent invitation to feeling the concrete structure,the primal building material present in 3D and share what structure feels the most beautiful to you.