The exact 'Time' for the Capricorn New Moon 2024 (the 2nd in the gregorian calendar year 2024) is Monday,December 30st,11:27pm CET/10:27pm GMT.

The very first question that comes to mind with a New Moon in in the sign of Capricorn is 'where is Saturn at'?Saturn,the keeper of order and also the keeper of time.Saturn relates to all things that repeat,that we count on,that we rely on,financial means and all those important factors that have control over our every day life.Now,With Pluto's shift into the sign of Aquarius,after 16 years of his journey in the sign of Capricorn,we are leaving all the ' heavy' saturnian matters behind and we get less of a personal 'systems shut-down' as soon as we hear about 'organized' institutions,instead,now we can see 'control' as something delusional and something that makes us come together ' in order to' participate in the same 'program' set up to further delusional narratives.
With so many different Aspects emanating out from Saturn at 14 Pisces,he is a multitasker in the coming weeks,indicative of a system doing many different things at the same time 'in order to' extend it's service to the greater whole as the connection between Neptune and Saturn comes closer moving through the same sign,the sign of Pisces.the uncomfortable truth isn't here any more to make us wonder what is really going on behind the scenes when it comes to 'orchestrated' events set up by those in,the uncomfortable truth is coming out into the open and is here to awaken us to the shadow side of the new era we are gradually entering into.the shadow side to the age of Aquarius is 'control through technology',the fear of machines taking over human consciousness,and yet,that doesnt have to be the case,as long as one humanity chooses to be self-empowered by relying on all senses awake to bountiful living via the use of new tech (Pluto sextile NN and Saturn quintile retrograde Uranus).however new we choose,it will involve a new and more awake perception on the use of Technology!
Asteroid Mony is at 9 Scorpio,precisely sextile to the new Sun and new Moon,yet also abit square to Pluto which makes us go look at Pluto again,as we all fix a new definition about 'the Monetary System'.We are to see that Money is equal to energy,it is frequency,it is by the people for the people which cannot be destroyed,which is invisible yet shouldn't be supervised by a delusional system.
The Sun and the Moon are accompagnied by Asteroid Wisdom hovering at 11 Capricorn hand in hand with Asteroid Pallas,the smart yet also impeded feminine,hindered by elusive projections.we have this task to envision the many different types of energetic influences operating within the greater system connecting all people worldwide.maybe the most wise strategy to sorting it right and winning this task would be 'patternrecognition'?!.
Asteroid Gaea locates at 25 Libra trine Venus at 26 Aquarius trine Asteroid Pax at 28 Gemini,alltogether creating an element Air Grand Trine.all of this indicates that the women of the future will cultivate peace in all the many different 'heavenly' communication and earthly connections while remaining greatly sensitive to Mother Earth at the same time.