At the moment of exact Full Moon Time on July 21st at 12:17am/July 20st at 10:17pm UT,we see Sun at 29 Cancer opposite Moon at 29 Capricorn in a T-square aspect with Asteroid Alma at 29 Libra.

First of all,the 29th degree of any sign is regarded as the most 'erratic' degree throughout the signs,second,we are dealing with a Cardinal T-square ,a sudden,'erratic',change in times,affecting not just the inner but also the outer,censensus reality,both,ultimately calling forth the souls need for new peace and new harmony.
Because planet Saturn rules over the Moon,located very close to r Pluto at 0 Aquarius,and because r Saturn at 19 Pisces is hit by quintile and bi-quintile asepcts,r Saturn is genuinely embedded into venusian and marsian harmonics and as a consequence,we all do feel that now is the time to use feelings picking up on the dark side of technological advancement to redefine our view on what we as a collective truely need from now on in order to feel safe and well guarded in the future.
Asteroid Mony is at 29 Virgo,in a trine aspect to the Moon-r Pluto combo,meaning,we all come to feel into the shadow side behind 'the hard work required and the amount of money we receive in exchange for it?'.we should ask ourselves,'is this thing,whatever that thing is,really worth it?',the labour one puts into something and then the reward one receives for that work?specifically,as the Moon-r Pluto are in a septile aspect to r Saturn,the feeling into the shady side of life-governing systems links up with current politics,deceiving the masses,and yet,we might also be dealing with feelings around the assumption that current politics is being steered by alien forces with a sinister agenda?
Planet Uranus,the great awakener to higher states of consciousness,is the key player during this Full Moon as it is trine to Moon-r Pluto and sextile to the Sun.Uranus,also in an erratic state,wonders about what ?new? value it is to stay,what new 'bright' ideas are to establish the new world functioning on more appreciation for goods delivered by nature,granting us comfort in our every day lifes.
If you resonate with my unconventional way of doing Astrology,you are welcome to join us at MEWE