The initiation into something new under the guidance of the fixed Star Sirius occurs when Sun and Moon meet at 14 degrees of Cancer,on Saturday,July 6th at 0:57am CET/July 5th 10:57pm GMT.

The overall feel to this upcoming Cancerian Mooncycle is that of a constant battle between the old world,the old systems dying but still operating as a caretaker unrecognizably and the new world of a truely caring nature emerging,as the motherly figure Asteroid Ceres is exactly opposite the sensitive Sun-Moon making a new beginning under the supervision of Starsystem Sirius :)!!!.
but not only that,there are also a great number of 'Square' aspects when taking a good look at the New Moon Chart.astrologically speaking,'Square' aspects are said to be challenging energies to deal with,and yet,at the same time,it is only through 'challenges' that mastery of any kind can be achieved.this is going to be a time where limitations proposed by external authorities may be received as an overly caring component confronting our strong need for true safety and the initiatory 14 degrees of Cancer is in a square-aspect to the lunar nodes at 10 degrees of Aries/Libra,it is to be expected that everyone is intuitively receptive and is anticipating some kind of new beginning right around the corner.
Asteroid Latona now at 27 degrees of Gemini is said to represent the mother who once 'birthed' a new order.she is opposite the GC at 27 degrees of Sagittarius and so it is the character of 'Latona' who is to be 'earthing' the many new orders given by the core of the she is to deliver new ways of 'sensing' the impulses derivative from the GC,she activates access to a grand imagination.this specific opposition is square the Lilith-r Neptune opposition at O libra and 29 Pisces resulting in a not only cardinal but also a flexible grand square activation alltogether,taking neptunian imagination to a whole new level!
Two grand trines,one made of element Water and the other made of element Air,express the effortless flow of energy when it comes to Asteroid Alma at 26 Libra,the loving soul split into two counterparts,the new earth bringer and teacher of many new different perceptions on reality,Asteroid Latona,and Asteroid Truth at 25 Aquarius,awake to the power of the people.
Then,there is heightened sensitivity given by Great Father Time,r Saturn at 19 Pisces connected in a trine-aspect to Venus at 22 Cancer,and in the end both aligned in a trine-aspect with r Asteroid Pallas at 19 Scorpio.r Pallas at 19 Scorpio is holding some very deep revelations beyond recognition silently received by those who love intimacy in a time of great deception!
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