The astrological chart for the cancer new moon 2021 should be examined in the light of intuition,empathy and feelings of all kinds as this is the nature of the sensitive and receptive moon,the ruler over the sign of cancer.
As feminity runs high during this mooncycle,with it we should expect to feel more,with it everyone is able to establish a connection to "the great mother'' as well.In the next level of astrological evolution,the sign of cancer has been attributed to be ruled not only by sister moon but also by the Goddess Ceres,she is the one aligned to the natural cycles of time,she is symbolic for agriculture,and she is also the caretaker of all in need.her current positioning at 23 taurus is synched to the position of the sun and moon at 18 cancer through a wide sextile,which means that the coming weeks will be all about the sensing of mother earths caring nature popping up in tangible reality.we can easily tap into the sun-moon-ceres flow by using our senses to feel love and beauty all around us.everything made of natural beauty is the manifestation of the great mother!she is very much present in our tasting and in our smelling of the excellent quality of her material goods.
Neptune,the masterdreamer,at 23 pisces is in the team with goddess sophia at 24 pisces close to goddess phallas athena at 27 pisces squaring mercury at 27 gemini.all of this translates as the factual mind being infused by superbeautiful sophianic visionary impressions/dreams that emerge in order to expand consciousness.
The big hearted feminine (venus in 15 leo) and the big hearted masculine(mars in 17 leo) are coming one and more so,the beautiful wisdom goddess called Mary Magdalene is a big harmonizer to this great heartopening,cause she is the best alliance to this great amount of love,the big bright and shiny love,feminine and masculine united in higher love.
Mary Magdalene at 18 libra is exactly square sun-moon but she also trines retro Innana at 20 aquarius,which altogether can be regarded as a great new initiation into the feeling of love carried out through new love-and-peace-vibes of Mary Magdalene perfectly aligned to the silent revolution of the first mother Innana.Innana sees herself as someone who is constantly transforming on the inside,in her own appropriate timing,adjusting to the new influx of new lightcodes/lightfrequencies that are paving the way into an enlightened future of more connectedness.