Cancer full moon is precise on January 6 at 11:08pm UT/January 7 at 0:08am Central European Time.
As i said in my last Capricorn new moon report,the time to re-build reality is here by now and everything in the exterior that is build on flawed basics,is in need of re-adjustment! (especially now,that Pluto reached its last few degrees in the sign of Capricorn)!
As the zodiacsign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn,its remarkable to see that the Moon at 16 Cancer is a bi-quintile away from Saturn at 23 Aquarius,and consequently,it is Venusian creativity that connects new,modernized structure (Saturn) to *knowing* by feeling (Moon at 16 Cancer conjunct r Pallas at 18 Cancer).the Sun at 16 Capricorn is conjunct r Mercury at 17 Capricorn and this means that our own individual thinking to rely on life-governing forces is designed to be contradictory to the reception of secret wisdoms contained in the ways one is feeling momentarily.
Asteroid r Alma is basking in the higher love energies of the Pleiades starsystem,as she is located at 0 Gemini.Through this peculiar position of hers,she represents 'The silent soul-essence' relentlessly plugged into great creativity,and also r Alma is one quintile away to Piscean Vesta and this is how the neverending dream that one is commited to participate in flows accordingly to r Almas encounter with heart-centered energies emanating from the pleiadian starsystem!all of this also means that it is the unspeakable need for creativity,love and beauty that fuels the great dream,life is made of.
Venus at 4 Aquarius is liberated and growing wider as she is conjunct the Asteroid named *Crescentia*.because she is in a wide trine aspect to r Mars at 8 Gemini,it is the modern feminine that has an effortless link to the power of held back information.