Aries New Moon 2023 happens Tuesday,March 21st at 6:23pm CET/5:23pm UT.
A totally new beginning arrives with Sun and Moon meeting at Zero degree Aries just a couple of hours after the exact time of Spring Equinox.
This seldom occurence of Equinox and New Moon being so close to each other brings about the anticipation for a real change in time,recognized in Mind (Sun) and equally noticeable in the emotional scape (Moon) simply because Aries is a Cardinal sign that speaks for the arrival of something new.
The exact moment of Sun and Moon coming one at Zero Degree Aries contains an energetic code in form of a stardiagram showing the new dynamics of a new 'play' to be playing out throughout this new lunar cycle,as above so below.
The ultimate revelations about what has been 'hidden' within life-governing systems is coming forward in a steady pace with Plutos placement at the very end of the sign Capricorn!This includes revelations about the real state of affairs in regards to Banks,Politics,and all other security granting establishments people rely on in their every day lives.Pluto at 29 Capricorn sextiles Sun-Moon which means that in the new times ahead we have the opportunity to frame all the 'wrongs' about old-fashioned governance and run with it!
Retro Ceres at 1 Libra opposite Sun-Moon promotes all that is not Aries indicating that caretakers of all kind will oppose the new straight forward movement initiated by Aries and instead pick to promote peace,love,beauty and kindness while silently teamworking in their external environment.
While the War of Information is still ongoing with Mars at 28 Gemini,new thoughts and inspiration are to arise out of nowhere with Mercurys placement at 5 Aries,in a square aspect to Asteroid Victoria at 6 Cancer.the Square expresses the initiation of a new mind that is victorius amid all the many conflicting is a good thing that Mercury is trined by Asteroid Herald,it means that new victorious ideas can make perfect conclusions by inquiring new idealistic beliefs about what is to come next.