The exact time for the Full Moon in Aries is Sunday,October 9th at 20:54pm UT.
The libra party is very much 'On' with Sun-Psyche at 16 libra measuring up the psychological effect of sunny unconditional love energy and so much more 'love-theories' dissected into different expressions of loves as shown by the many different 'Love Asteroids' surrounding this position.In addition,Venus is at 13 degrees,home in libra,adding her real sense for justice,her real sense for Beauty,Balance and Peace to highlight the importance of equilibrium in any loving relationship,also in the 'special' kind of love-relationships.
Moon 16 aries conjuncts retrograde Chiron 14 aries and brings up the issue of 'emotional wounding' on a personal level.This can be somewhat painful feelings emerging out of nowhere yet these are now to be revealed sothat one can learn something new psychologically about one's own relationship with self and move on differently from there.
It seems there is a very creative purpose to feeling down and emotionally wounded yet also ready to fight as Moon-r Chiron crown the venusian pyramid established by the progressive feminine healer and the earthbound feminine storyteller and wisdom-goddess connecting their deep earthly wisdom and new intuitive methods to healing in the light of r Chariklo 4 aquarius bi-quintile Asteroid Sophia 27 gemini.
The smart ways of intuition (Pallas 14 cancer) are controversial to systems that remind of ancient Atlantis (Asteroid Atlantis 14 capricorn).Now newly,these two play integral parts when it comes to a new kind of all-inclusive love,activated in the cardinal grand square design together with the very loving sun and the very 'self-sensitive' moon.
Mercury 28 virgo quincunx Asteroid Hermes 28 aquarius is a mysterious connection,i would bet it teaches how to elevate consciousness by linking together mysteriously the advanced understanding about 'hermetic principles' and a philosophical mindset.
The two 'main' quintile markers put emphasis on the fact that the shadowy side of emotional self is to be illuminated sothat there is a push through to becoming newly whole again by integrating the dark and the light alike.
Juno 8 pisces quintile r Uranus and bi-quintile Sun-Loveasteroids-Psyche indicates that commitment to a relationship that transcends current 3D reality easily flows with advanced technocracy making it so that the new lovebombparty in libra receives more attention,keeping all our minds busy with the question ''what is love?''.