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Aquarius New Moon 2025

Writer's picture: Reka KissReka Kiss

Moon and Sun come together as one on Wednesday,January 29th at 1:36pm Central European Time,12:36pm GMT.


The Numerology of the current new Gregorian Calendar year is a 'nine',in synch with Sun and Moon unified at 9 degrees of Aquarius and also in synch with the start of the Chinese New Year of the 'Wood Snake'.In the Mayan Tzolkin Timekeeping Calendar,numbers are correlated to the cycles of the moon indicative of 13 numbers in total,whereby number nine is seen as the number of 'Completion' before number 10,the number of Manifestation.But,on this New Moon day,the Mayan Tzolkin True Count isn't aligned with number nine,but with number 6,indicative of the Ups and Downs creating the rhythm to the natural organic flow of life and where the Sunsymbol is Ik,the 'white wind',the sender and receiver of short,in mayanism,this New Moon Day is celebrated as a Day of finding the balance in communications of all kind,with one Red Earth representative of the 'right timing' that is directing the ebb and flow of many different communication.


Mercury is described as the 'Messenger' in Astrology and it is always related to the dualistic Mind being occupied by the specific energies expressed by the degree it is standing at.Currently,the Messenger is standing at 2 Aquarius,next to Pluto at 1 minute 55 seconds of Aquarius,thus these two are very close to each other and also close to Sun and Moon uniting as one.


Results are that the mind in general is now invited to awaken to it's full depth,which might require a radical change to the way we all have been thinking.essentially,the main message during this New Moon is that it's time to reshuffle the pictures on the mind and to put them in the true context.This might mean a big stir caused by hidden information being revealed,for all of us to see clearly now as Mercury-Pluto are still sextile to the NN-Neptune-Venus Combo at the very end of Pisces which describes all of us overly romanticising those who are actually great deceivers.



The waking of the mind is a good thing,and yet,the many new revelatory intel may appear to all of us as super scandalous as well.



R Jupiter at 11 Gemini in want to believe is wandering backwards in the sign of the Messenger,trine to Sun-Moon,quincunx to Asteroid Alma at 12 Capricorn and quincunx to Asteroid Vesta at 9! Scorpio,but also quintile  NN-Neptune-Venus and quintile to R Asteroid Telephus at 20 Leo and R Asteroid Solidarity at 26 Leo.


Hence,obviously,R Jupiter holds a key Position during this whole lunation,making deep reflection on our own beliefs inevitable,further more,we reflect on how our own choice of believing certain information influences the beliefs of others with totally different kind of beliefs than ours,and yet,there is so much philosophy to this!


A Fixed Grand Square contains these Cornerstones:

Asteroid Celeste conjunct Planet Uranus at 23 Taurus,R Asteroids Telephus and Solidarity at 20,26 Leo,Asteroid Juno at 26 Scorpio and Asteroid Ceres at 20 Aquarius,and one might even add Asteroid Robot at 28 Aquarius as well!so,to puzzle these pieces together appropriately in a meaningful way,it requires one to understand each piece on its own.generally speaking,fixed signs are always said to be very stubborn in nature,unwilling to give up the old for the new,as they hold firmly in place which is to the light of this statement,we all must

rely on forward moving technology focusing on the sky (Uranus-Celeste) adversarial to past commitments being shady (Juno sextile SN) while automated machines of the future are said to be taking care of the freedom for individual expression characterized by the way one intends telepathically and by the way one shows solidarity.



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